Bird Wallpaper Designs Biography
Never have I seen a more apocalyptic thriller so well done. Oddly, there is no soundtrack, no music to help add to the suspense, just plain, ordinary, pregnant silence. The only melody that reaches our ears is the flapping of wings and other bird sounds. I think the film does much better without a musical score.
One of my favorite things about The Birds is the references to its predecessor, Psycho—the numerous references to birds that are either very subtle or blatantly obvious. I think all were planned by Hitch—none are coincidental. Stuffed birds are placed all about the parlor room of Norman Bates' motel. The camera work continually makes sure that the audience knows the room is infested with birds. An owl gets special attention. It sits in the corner of the room in an attacking position, almost as if it were about to come to life and do just that. Norman Bates' hobby is taxidermy. He says to the ill-fated, shower-taking Marion Crane (Janet Leigh), "I'd just rather stuff birds because I hate the look of beasts when they're stuffed. I think only birds look well stuffed because they're kind of passive to begin with." The seemingly passive Norman Bates is, as we all know, anything but; much like the passive, emotionless birds in Hitchcock's next film.

Never have I seen a more apocalyptic thriller so well done. Oddly, there is no soundtrack, no music to help add to the suspense, just plain, ordinary, pregnant silence. The only melody that reaches our ears is the flapping of wings and other bird sounds. I think the film does much better without a musical score.
One of my favorite things about The Birds is the references to its predecessor, Psycho—the numerous references to birds that are either very subtle or blatantly obvious. I think all were planned by Hitch—none are coincidental. Stuffed birds are placed all about the parlor room of Norman Bates' motel. The camera work continually makes sure that the audience knows the room is infested with birds. An owl gets special attention. It sits in the corner of the room in an attacking position, almost as if it were about to come to life and do just that. Norman Bates' hobby is taxidermy. He says to the ill-fated, shower-taking Marion Crane (Janet Leigh), "I'd just rather stuff birds because I hate the look of beasts when they're stuffed. I think only birds look well stuffed because they're kind of passive to begin with." The seemingly passive Norman Bates is, as we all know, anything but; much like the passive, emotionless birds in Hitchcock's next film.
Bird Wallpaper Designs
Bird Wallpaper Designs

Bird Wallpaper Designs
Bird Wallpaper Designs
Bird Wallpaper Designs
Bird Wallpaper Designs
Bird Wallpaper Designs
Bird Wallpaper Designs
Bouncy Bird
Bird Bits #6--Bird Bounce
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